Class Page


The final year at West Point is pivotal. Firsties run the Corps of Cadets, and assume command positions from Platoon to Brigade level. They have significant responsibilities, as the West Point officers and NCOs allow Cadets to make significant decisions and live with the results. Firstie year begins in August with Ring Weekend, where Firsties receive their class rings. This is a great event and open to friends and families to attend. During the year, Firsties will select their branches and first Army assignment and duty station. Academics remain challenging but more enjoyable to most Firsties as they take classes from their major. The year culminates with “Grad Week” where Firsties and their parents, friends and family celebrate their accomplishment, and they get to toss their white hats into the air on graduation day.

Cadet Leader Development Training

“CLDT” is a 4-week summer program before Firstie year (note – some Cows participate). A mini Ranger School, CLDT assesses leadership through platoon level operations, emphasizing stress leadership, tactical problem-solving, and technical skills, ending with a 12-day field problem.

Ring Weekend

A formal ceremony held on Trophy Point, Firsties receive their much anticipated class ring. After the command to “Don Rings” and subsequent hugs and celebrations with family, the Plebes will traditionally recite the “Ring Poop,” encouraging the Firsties to show them their new rings. This can get aggressive, with Plebes chasing Firsties around the barracks to pin them down, and is a light-hearted event for all.

Branch Night

Prior to Branch Night, the Cadets rank-ordered their preferred Army branch, and on Branch Night they assemble in Ike Hall to open the envelopes and find out which branch they will serve in after graduation. This is a very exciting night for Firsties!

Post Night

On Post Night, Firsties gather in lecture halls around the academic area grouped by branch to select the unit and Army post where they will serve after graduation.

100th Night

The 100th Night Banquet, held in Washington Hall, features a prominent guest speaker with attendees in formal wear. A tradition at West Point for over 150 years, 100th Night Weekend is an opportunity for Firsties to celebrate, reflect on achievements and challenges, and let their West Point experience soak in as their final few months accelerate towards graduation.

Graduation (Week)

The culmination of four challenging years at West Point, and the Academy makes sure the event does not pass without fanfare. Generally, the week starts on Tuesday, and the week is full of parades, awards ceremonies, and In between all these events Firsties are packing, planning post-Graduation leave, trying to find a spare minute to spend with family and friends who come to enjoy the event. Graduation day is held at Michie Stadium, with Firsties full of anticipation of that final “Class Dismissed” command, and tossing their hats in the air to celebrate an achievement like no other.